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Program Errors

In this section, you can find the list of errors that can be returned by the Jupiter Swap Program or from other programs like DEXes, System or Token programs.

Solana Program Errors

Token Program
Token2022 Program
Associated Token Account Program
Other Solana Programs

Jupiter Swap Program Errors

Jupiter Swap Program IDL
Abnormal Error Rates

If you face high or consistent amounts of errors, please reach out to Jupiter Support.

Error CodeError NameDebug
6001SlippageToleranceExceededTry higher fixed slippage or use dynamicSlippage
6008NotEnoughAccountKeysLikely modified swap transaction causing missing account keys
6014IncorrectTokenProgramIDLikely attempted to take platform fees on a Token2022 token
6017ExactOutAmountNotMatchedSimilar to slippage

DEX Program Errors

In the swap transaction, the DEX in the routing may return errors. You can find some of their IDLs and/or error codes in an explorer. If they do not support public IDLs or open source code, you can reference the common errors below or if you need additional help, please reach out to Jupiter Support.

Error related to tick array or bitmap extension accountSimilar to slippage, the price or market has "moved out of range", hence the swap transaction failed.

Best Practices

It is important to understand the error codes returned by programs when your products are user facing. This will help you provide a better experience for your users, helping them make an informed decision or follow up step to help their transaction succeed. as a reference

You can use as a reference to understand how we handle errors on the UI.

Error TypeBest Practice
Slippage exceeding thresholdShow the user the current slippage tolerance and the incurred slippage
Insufficient fundsShow the user the current balance of the account and the required balance
Non Jupiter Program ErrorsAllow the user to retry with a different route and/or exclude the specific DEX from the quote request